Our Projects



Agribusiness is the locomotive of the Brazilian economy, representing more than a quarter of its gross domestic product (GDP). It is not by chance that agritechs have been gaining enormous relevance in recent years, guiding the transformations of Agro 5.0, which promises to connect the crop production chain end to end. 

New investments in applications, machine learning, big data, autonomous machines, IoT, predictive technologies, among others, have revolutionized the way we interact with the field. 

TresBomm Agri believes that the country’s next wave of growth will be driven by this relationship (agribusiness with technology), and that is why it has been investing in related projects that could become new niches for the company’s operations.



Population growth and increasing purchasing power in Asia has provided the growth in global demand for animal protein. According to Statista (2023), world meat consumption jumped from 153.9 million tons in 1990 to 328.4 million tons in 2021. In this conjuncture, meat production became one more vocation of Brazilian agribusiness, which started to transform agricultural production into animal feed and, consequently, into meat. Today, Brazil is one of the biggest meat exporters in the world.

TresBomm Agri's animal protein production project aims to launch the company even further down the path of verticalization. The idea is that the company will operate from the farm gate, through the origination of grains, to the consumer's table.



TresBomm Agri already invests in the idle capacity of partners’ facilities in the segment of animal nutrition and vegetable oils. Although the business model has proved to be efficient, it demonstrates a productive bottleneck, as it is not always possible to count on the services and performance of partners’ assets.

Facing this issue, the company has been considering the implementation of its own animal feed plant, aimed at the production of feed for swine, and possibly poultry and fish, in order to meet the high demand in the western region of Paraná – one of the largest agro-industrial hubs in Latin America.

This project will change the company's reality through the verticalization and expansion of its capillarity in the market. 



Brazil processes around 50 million tons of soybean annually, which are transformed into 40 million tons of soybean meal and 10 million tons of soybean oil.

The state of Paraná, for now, is the second largest soybean crusher in Brazil, containing a modern crushing industry aimed at serving the animal protein and biodiesel chains in the south of the country.

TresBomm agri already crushes soybean and other grains at partners’ plants. However, strives to implement its own plant to supply, with soybean meal, the Paraná production of poultry and swine, which represents respectively 33% and 21% of the national, and with soybean oil, the regional production of biodiesel, which accounts for a fifth of the Brazilian.